When INFINITE took on the role of line producer for a new travel-themed zone on Carnival’s latest Excel-class ship, Carnival Celebration, we expected the project to live up to Carnival’s dedication to fun and exploration. We weren’t disappointed!
The Gateway hosts twelve 8-foot-tall LED windows that play content 24 hours a day celebrating the fun of travel, exploring new food and music, seeing new places, and making new friends.
Because there was so much content to produce, INFINITE coordinated with two other production houses, Batwin and Robin in New York and The Imagination House in Orlando, to create truly immersive media experiences that included everything from medieval dragons, Carnival in space, and dancing crew members during debarkation.

INFINITE’s content included 25 illustrated travel scenes from around the world, spanning the waterfalls of Iguazu to the romantic beauty of Paris. These were created in Photoshop with soft animations added in with After Effects.

Executing a complex space like The Gateway required process-oriented thinking and managing a team of lighting designers, sound engineers, D3 programmers, GrandMA operators, QSYS programmers, ship crew, and Carnival team members. That’s why in the weeks leading up to the ship’s commissioning, INFINITE set up a VR environment right in the client's office and scheduled Demo Days. Stakeholders could visit and review content up on the screens as if they were on the Celebration even before the ship was finished being built. When we came to install, much of the work had already been seen and approved, making our time aboard go that much smoother.

These are the kinds of projects we love. Not only do we help our clients create something they love, but we have the opportunity to collaborate with stellar people to make unforgettable experiences for guests.